Saturday, March 18, 2006

I Must Retire

With regard to the world around me, I must retire. I thank the Lord that I have been blessed with spines to protect me against this awful reality. I made a lot of mistakes. I will come out of here when things have calmed down a bit. I hope it is soon.

Meanwhile, here is a picture of a huge Australian hedgehog. I bet he drinks lots of beer and wrestles crocadiles and kangaroos.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Illuminati Or Bust

I have often been asked what a wizend old nocturnal insectivore such as myself does to keep his mind sharp and his body limber. Well, I have tried many things in my short, spiny life.

I have studied feng shui, astrology, numerology, tarot and the kabbalah.

I have tried the healing arts of herbalism, shiatsu, tantra, and ayurvedic medicine.

I have prayed to the Orishas of Voudoun and Santeria.

I have practised yoga, meditation, sweat lodges. the Christian Mass, slam dancing & ecstatic dance, the Seder, ecumenical services, crcumcision, and ceremonial entheogenics.

I have participated in the ceremonies of Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, Wiccans, the Rainbow Family and the Twelve Tribes of Israel (Ras Tafari).

I am familiar with the practises of the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O.

I have advocated for anarchism.

I have recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

I have been a member of the Boy Scouts of America, the Civil Air Patrol, The Yippies!, the I.WW. and the Green Party.

I have engaged in various conspiracies, and researched other ones.

All of this has lead up to the final knowledge of the Illuminati. The whole thirty-third degree and then some.

And to sum it all up: don't go there. It's not worth it. If you try to get to that eye in the triangle, you'll just get burned. Unless you can get an army of hedgehogs to lead the way.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Cat Will Kick Your Ass

My cat was was in a pretty bad mood after receiving a face full of birdshot from the Vice-President (yes, THAT Vice-President) during a recent weekend outing on a mutual friend's ranch. Unlike certain ancient blood sucking Republican lawyers, Bunny doesn't take any shit, not even from Cheney. No one was going to see Bunny apologizing in the press for the trouble caused by getting a face full of lead from some rich white dude who thinks he has all the power.

The shot just bouced off of his thick fur like pin pong balls on a trampoline anyway. But he was still mighty pissed. It's the principle of the thing.

So if any of you out there are contemplating any untoward acts, to Bunny or any of his friends, be forwarned: he will kick your ass.

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