Friday, March 17, 2006

Illuminati Or Bust

I have often been asked what a wizend old nocturnal insectivore such as myself does to keep his mind sharp and his body limber. Well, I have tried many things in my short, spiny life.

I have studied feng shui, astrology, numerology, tarot and the kabbalah.

I have tried the healing arts of herbalism, shiatsu, tantra, and ayurvedic medicine.

I have prayed to the Orishas of Voudoun and Santeria.

I have practised yoga, meditation, sweat lodges. the Christian Mass, slam dancing & ecstatic dance, the Seder, ecumenical services, crcumcision, and ceremonial entheogenics.

I have participated in the ceremonies of Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, Wiccans, the Rainbow Family and the Twelve Tribes of Israel (Ras Tafari).

I am familiar with the practises of the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O.

I have advocated for anarchism.

I have recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

I have been a member of the Boy Scouts of America, the Civil Air Patrol, The Yippies!, the I.WW. and the Green Party.

I have engaged in various conspiracies, and researched other ones.

All of this has lead up to the final knowledge of the Illuminati. The whole thirty-third degree and then some.

And to sum it all up: don't go there. It's not worth it. If you try to get to that eye in the triangle, you'll just get burned. Unless you can get an army of hedgehogs to lead the way.

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