Saturday, October 30, 2004

Nobody Revisited

Just in time for the Really Big Election, we take a look back from the lofty heights of the Anokoblog Global HQ at the champion of the last campaign, and the momentous events that lead to his victory. We refer not to the Pretender in Chief Bush, he lost the vote. Neither do we refer to his Repocratic challenger, Al Gore. After all, he is clearly not in the White House. We are talking about the true winner of Campaign 2000, Nobody.

Our dear friends at the Baltimore Washington Psychogeography Association toiled long and hard on the Campaign for Nobody, yet all were astounded by his stunning victory. While your fearless Anokoblogger respects the rights of all citizens to vote against the candidate of his or her choice, please consider the Ten Point Program of Nobody, put forth four years ago:


1.Nobody will cancel all debt
For the lending class rules those in debt

2.Nobody will establish the ten-hour work week
For we must run like clocks

3.Nobody will destroy the prison-industrial complex
For prisons form the perfect industry

4.Nobody will abolish positions such as prison guard, banker, stockbroker, and so on
For bankrupt work pays best

5.Nobody will abolish the wage system
For wages amount to less than their illusions

6.Nobody will abolish currency
For we think in the language of money

7.Nobody will put an end to polluting Mother Earth
For she is our to dominate and destroy

8.Nobody will turn off the military-entertainment complex
For war completely infiltrates daily life

9.Nobody will replace all pharmaceuticals with botanicals
For the pharmaceutical industry is second nature

10.Nobody will legalize revolution
For laws govern civil war

To read the entire mind bending saga of the Campaign For Nobody, leading to the stealing of the Inauguration of Nobody by the Pretender in Chief Bush, go here .

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